Is Joe Biden OK? Look at these and decide.

During a special visit at the White House, Biden welcomed the president of Kenya. Kenya is an important Western ally from a continent being wooed and bribed by the Chinese and Russians. Despite his promise to visit Africa, Biden has never made the trip. Perhaps his health is governing this decision. As we can see from this footage, taken earlier today, he is obviously not in great shape. This could explain his request for a sit-down debate with President Trump later in the campaign season.

The White House presser did not go well.

Meanwhile in New York…

Even for a man known for his bombast, Donald Trump’s foray into one of the poorest, most diverse and staunchly Democratic parts of America, New York city’s South Bronx, on Thursday night was an offensive move of breathtaking audacity.

His rally in the crucible of hiphop, where 95% of the population is Black or Hispanic and where 35% live below the poverty line, was like voluntarily stepping into the lion’s den. Being Trump, he declared it a historic victory.

“When I woke up this morning I wondered whether it will be hostile or will it be friendly. It was a lovefest!” he said towards the end of his 90-minute speech. The Guardian

He said: “It doesn’t matter whether you’re black or brown or white or whatever the hell color you are, it doesn’t matter. We are all Americans.”